Aug. 2, 2024

1255 - Tribute Listener Questions

1255 - Tribute Listener Questions
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Dr. James Beckett: Sports Card Insights

Listener question episode focused on tributes affecting the sports card collecting community. He discusses past and potential tributes to notable figures such as Jim Otto, Larry Allen, Chet Walker, Bill Walton, Willie Mays, Jerry West, John Stommen, Bob Schmeirer, and Jack Smalling. Reflecting on their impacts and legacies, Dr. Beckett also addresses the implications of their passings on the sports card market.    00:32 Reflecting on the National Convention 01:27 Tributes to Sports Legends 02:29 The Impact of Player Deaths on Card Sales 05:43 Willie Mays and the Price Disparity Debate 07:11 Jerry West's Influence on the Lakers Dynasty 09:44 Unmade Tributes and Their Significance