1038 - Video: Card Wall, Griffey to Hall

Dr. James Beckett breaks down his sports cards displayed on his Card Wall - featuring players from Ken Griffey Jr. to Joe Hall. Analysis and stories behind the cards of various eminent athletes across different sports. He highlights his personal connections to some, and decides which ones make the wall and which ones go back to storage.

00:21 Starting off with Ken Griffey Jr.
00:59 Antoine Griezmann's Autograph
01:11 RG3 and Clark Griffith
01:44 Lefty Grove and Lou Groza
02:30 The Gruden Brothers and Tony Gwynn
03:08 Tracy Hackler's Personal Card
03:29 Chick Hafey and Walter Hagen
03:56 Pop Haynes and George Hainsworth
04:38 George Halas and Joe Hall